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琹恩至傑的小窩: 歐洲微波會議給我500歐元

2008年6月27日 星期五



Dear Mr/Ms,

I am pleased to inform you that after careful consideration of all requests for travel grants to attend the European Microwave Week 2008 you have been selected to be awarded by a travel grant. Upon arrival to the conference you will receive 500Euros to compensate for your travel expenses plus 80Euros to cover costs of the reduced fee registration for the conference at which you have accepted paper. What you have to do is to:1. register in advance at the conference web site for the conference you will attend. By doing this please select “student fee” and “pay in cash” options. The total amount for the conference registration is 80Euros.2. arrange your travel (you have to take care yourself about visa (if needed), required money, transportation and accommodation).3. prepare your talk.4. come to the conference venue.5. contact at the venue the week treasurer and get your grant.

若是有興趣的話,可以看看這個網站:是大會的網站.我來美國打拼了有六年了,現在總算是藉由這個看得到一點成果.今天的照片是電子顯微鏡下的微開關,是我在ASU cleanroom作的.有興趣的人可以上google 查一下: RF MEMS Switch.我做的就是這方面的東西.這讓我又想起幾年前禱告時,那種沒看見卻似乎已經抓在手上的感覺,這就是所謂的"信心".這部分我覺得是基督信仰裡很令我振奮的部分,那就是我們的能力驚人的大幅提升,因為經上記著:因祂的鞭傷我們得著醫治,祂本來富足,卻為你們成了貧窮,叫你們因祂的貧窮,可以成為富足.這若是憑著六年前我那副德行是一定做不到的.我希望所有覺得自己貧乏的人可以體會到這點,這是極為重要的原則,一個念頭轉變就會改變一生的價值觀.憑著信心,我抓住了靈界的應許,透過靈界所有的事都會變得很簡單.經上記著說:祂說有就有,命立就立.不然幹嘛叫超自然力量.但這又不是像養小鬼那樣難登大雅之堂亂七八糟的靈魂,而是有恩典慈愛的創造萬物的主.也是靈界的親子關係裡,我們的父母.我無比的興奮,因為我體會到了一個人生可以在各方面完全依循的真理!!!以後,我和琹恩的任何事情,都要比照辦理~只要掌握住了從神來的信心,那就代表沒問題~

1 則留言:

Unknown 提到...

Thanks God, Jeremy. This is just the begining. For those who have faith in God, they will experience somethign much bigger than this.