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琹恩至傑的小窩: 博士論文裡的誌謝

2009年4月17日 星期五


In the Fall of 2004, I came to Arizona State University to pursue my Ph.D. degree. A doctorate is just a term of academic degree. What I really wanted was to prove that I can resolve tough problems and do something useful for people. I had been observing some of my traits and found that I am a pragmatist. I can sort out the problems I am facing, evaluate the resources I have, and strive until the problem is resolved by all means. I wanted to show myself that this trait can be also successfully applied to completing a Ph.D.. It was because of this self-awareness that I dared to become the first student of Dr. Abbaspour-Tamijani and started working from nothing. In particular, a large part of my research relied on experimental work. We had to purchase everything that is needed for the experiments, and develop our own microfabrication recipe and experimental hardware. It was difficult. When I think back on some of the tough situations I had faced over the past few years, I can still feel the deep pressure and frustration. Nonetheless, these bitter perceptions have been transformed into my assets. Now that I look back I find that I have been growing up, not only academically but also in my personality which has become more mature and more robust to adversity.
I am writing this acknowledgement with a feeling of immense gratitude. I thank God for bringing me here to meet with so many nice people so that I can finish my Ph.D.. The first person I would like to thank is my advisor, Dr. Abbaspour-Tamijani. He is truly an intelligent man who has many cool ideas. Students working with him do not need to worry that his research topic is not cool enough. He is also a very nice man who really takes care of his students. Gathering with classmates or research colleagues was always a good part of being a student in school. I enjoyed all the chatting and gossip with my group members when I was tired of my work. Also some of them helped me with operating the equipment. These guys are: Masoud Koochakzadeh (he helped me a lot on using the wire bonder), Chong Kim (a good Christian), Shreyas Iyer (he likes Chinese girls), Muhammad Fahad Farooqui (helped me on milling machine), Ameya.Galinde (good at drawing dinosaur), Sameer Shekhar (hey, don’t smoke too much, it can hurt you), ChenHui Niu (my first colleague who speaks Mandarin).
My research heavily relied on experimental work. I would like to thank some people who helped me with the experimental work. I was trained in microfabrication techniques at the University of California at San Diego for three months. I would like to thank my mentor, Dr. Balaji Lakshminarayanan, for spending his time with me and teaching me many valuable microfabrication skills. I also would like to thank Prof. Gabriel Rebeiz for providing this training opportunity. For antenna measurement, before our own antenna chamber was built, there are two men who helped me with the measurement tasks. The first one is Mr. Craig Birtcher who helped me measure lots of radiation patterns for my first conference paper. When we were waiting for the measured results, we chatted on a variety of topics. I remember he said marriage is very scary. I hope he can change his mind and learn to enjoy it in the future. He also helped me review this dissertation. The other man was my classmate when I was at the University of Wisconsin, Madison: Shih- Hsun Hsu, who got his Ph.D in Texas A&M University. He helped me measure lots of radiation patterns shown in my first journal paper.
I was the only student in my group working in the cleanroom. But it was not too lonely because many of my “buddies” were there. In the ASU cleanroom, at least two people must stay in the lab together, and they called it the “buddy system” rule. I would like to thank all of my buddies. Lifang Wang and Dr. Fisher Yu probably had stayed the longest time with me. Also, I would like to thank one of my committee members, Dr. Junseok Chae, and his students for letting me use their chemicals and sputter.
Finally, I would like thank my wife, Dr. Chinen Shen, the most beautiful and wise pianists I have ever met. Without her emotional support, I could not have finished this Ph.D.. Also, I would not have even come to the U.S. without the support of my parents. Their infinite love cannot be described in words
